Monday, July 03, 2006


Realtors, Metadata and gaining Public Consciousness

Hi Everyone,
I was away on vacation last week to beautiful, keystone resort in Dillon, Colorado. Highly recommended vacation spot ... everyday was a new adventure in whitewater rafting, mountain biking, downhill biking, and hiking... Ok, back to metadata.

Spoke with my realtor, Glenn McFeeters, this weekend who works for Coldwell Banker. After discussing my kitchen remodeling, Glenn told me that he was surprised that before he met me he never heard of metadata but now he sees it and hears it mentioned all the time. He said, whatever I was doing, it was definitely working.

Of course, I certainly cannot take credit for this myself. I do agree with him that "metadata" is "crossing the chasm" from early adopters to mainstream acceptance. Part of this is the broader notion of data management now having successfully crossed that chasm as a necessary component of every CIO's responsibility. The management of data and the collection of proper metadata to insure that data is well-managed is now understood as critical to insure data integrity, security and quality.

I encourage all my colleagues to continue educating the public on this. In fact, I closed the conversation with Glenn by stressing the importance of laypeople's understanding of metadata. Because a layperson understanding the benefits of metadata and requesting such from their Information Technology vendors moves markets much faster than technologists preaching to the choir. The boulder is cresting the hill ... one final push should send it careening forward...

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